
Getting lost is not a waste of time

Verses Creativity Forms ~ Euphonet

Partners in rhyme

David  of The Skeptic’s Kaddish and I, Sangeetha began a fun poetry partnership in April 2021. We celebrated writing together a 100 verse renga The HyakuinRipples.  

We continued our writing collaboration with new poetry projects and decided to explore poetry forms. A to Z. Each week one of us chooses a poetry form the other responds to. We completed our first series Form verses creativity in June ’22. We knew we were on to something. So we wrote the next set of poetry forms A to Z ~ Creativity Verses Form. Here, we added a little twist for version2.0, with a key word starting with the same letter. And in December ’22, we were onto our fourth collaborative writing project Creativity forms verses (A-Z nonce poetry forms) ~ To form verses, we turned to creativity, inventing new poetry forms, A through to Z.

David then came upon the Tapestry poem~ a form invented by a pair of poets from Israel and India (just like us!) and we wrote two Tapestries.

And then we couldn’t not do another series. So here we are with our Verses Creativity Forms ~ our very own invented forms!

E : Euphonet
Sangeetha’s Euphonet
Painted in colours of the starling's medley,
seasons of her laughter riffle through my time;
Chimes of church bells ring in another morning
bringing me quickly back from a dream divine;
Fine threads of music are climbing the wild trees
She's humming with the bashful breeze, line by line;
Wine flows into words that try to speak of her
perfumed with cinnamon and a bit of thyme;
I'm overjoyed to remain in her presence
Senses sublime rushing through this heart of mine;
Sign me in for a spot of her sweet sunshine.
David’s Euphonet
Sweet Sabbath on Friday night after sunset;
Set table, rich smells, family gathered round,
Bound together as one with generations,
Comes a sense of belonging, nary a frown;
Down the street, people leaving from services-
'Tis then we hear that raspy rumble inbound;
Crowds of synagogue-goers pause, turn about;
Out in the distance, the sportbike covers ground,
Sounding its distorted, electric guitar,
Marring the evening, throaty echoes rebound-
Wound up, raw harmonics heard all throughout town.


  • 11 lines;
  • 11 syllables per line;
  • Lines 2,4,6,8,10 and 11 rhyme;
  • The first syllable of each line rhymes with the last syllable of the previous line;
  • The first syllable of the first line does not have to rhyme;
  • Must include at least one word related to music.

David and Sangeetha’s ‘Verses creativity forms’

A ~ Anoncement

B ~ Bingoem

C~ Centimental

D~ Dormasha

E ~ Euphonet

Mindfills © 2023  

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